What's On at Zealandia


Media release: Native parasitic plant seeds germinate in Wellington, providing hope for future

ZEALANDIA Ecosanctuary 0 3082

New Zealand’s only fully parasitic plant has been successfully germinated at the Lions Ōtari Native Plant Conservation Laboratory in Wellington. The milestone germination was of rare seeds gifted from Ngāti Rereahu in the first translocation to involve all six Greater Wellington iwi.

Hairy-lobed hangehange

look closely and a small world appears

Ali McDonald 0 5717

Introducing hangehange (Geniostoma ligustrifolium) – this small, pale flower may seem all too easy to miss… but not for our native flies, who happen to be very attracted to pale green! 

Kōtukutuku flowers

the colour of efficiency

Ali McDonald 0 12533

Have you ever noticed how kōtukutuku - our native tree fuchsia (Fuchsia excorticata) - produces flowers of two different colours? This is because it colour-codes its petals to allow for maximum pollination efficiency.

Kohekohe: one of our quirkiest trees

Alfie Kākā 0 12652

Alfie: I’m inspired by Kerry Charles’ research on how planting for birds makes Wellingtonians happy, so I’m asking some of my favourite locals about which plants they’d recommend for Wellington gardens. First up, Joakim Liman, an award-winning Zealandia volunteer and the dedicated and enthusiastic manager of the volunteer Te Motu Kairangi – Miramar Ecological Restoration group, which is restoring the Miramar peninsula to its former glory.


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