ZEALANDIA Takahē Passes Away
It’s with sadness that we announce that Puffin, one of our ambassador takahē, has passed away. Puffin was 21 years old, well over the lifespan of a wild takahē, and had delighted over half a million visitors during her time at ZEALANDIA.
Puffin was taken to The Nest Te Kōhanga at Wellington Zoo after she was seen to be off her food and appearing lethargic. She was diagnosed with a gastrointestinal upset which may have been due to a partial obstruction of her bowel. Puffin was recovering well with medical treatment and due to be returned to ZEALANDIA but was unexpectedly found deceased by vet staff on Monday morning. Her body has been sent to Wildbase Pathology for necropsy.
Puffin is survived by her 22 year-old mate T2. The pair came to ZEALANDIA in 2011 from Mana Island once they had passed their breeding age. They also have a number of grand-chicks on Tiritiri Matangi Island, Motutapu Island, Mana Island and at Burwood Takahē Centre.
Many of us feel a strong connection to Puffin and T2, so this loss is upsetting. Puffin leaves an incredible legacy in the impact she had on all of us, our knowledge and understanding of this exceptional species, and of course the grand chicks she leaves behind!
We will be keeping a close eye on T2, but he’s generally ok by himself. He has also visited the vet recently, so we will need to stay on our toes. We’ll also be talking to the Takahē Recovery and Ngāi Tahu to explore options that ensure this incredible species can be encountered at the sanctuary into the future.
Photo Credit: Judi Lapsley Miller